Cave Creek, Arizona, Hotel
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Cave Creek is located in Maricopa County just north of Phoenix between Wickenburg and Carefree along Interstate 17 near Lake Pleasant and Bartlett and Horseshoe reservoirs.
Cave Creek is part of the Phoenix-Mesa, Arizona metro area.
Cave Creek has a unique and colorful history. The town was settled in the 1870s, and incorporated as a town in 1986.
The Desert Foothills area offers a number of fun and interesting attractions. A visit to an old fashioned 1883 gold mine or a museum offers visitors a look at the local history of Cave Creek and the surrounding area. The Cave Creek Museum offers a look at local history with displays of Indian artifacts and pottery, cowboy memorabilia from the Old West, and items from the gold rush days. There are also many local ranches that offer lodging with horseback rides as well as other entertainment.
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