Sierra Vista, Arizona, Hotel
Welcome to the Bonosearch page for Hotel in Sierra Vista, Arizona, Hotel, Arizona
Sierra Vista is located in Cochise County southeast of Tucson between Tombstone and Bisbee along Highway 90 near the San Pedro River and the United States/Mexico border.
Sierra Vista (Spanish for "Mountain View") is a thriving community of that serves as the regional center for southeastern Arizona. Located approximately 70 miles southeast of Tucson, the city is surrounded by the unique beauty of the Huachuca, Dragoon, and Mule Mountains, and is bordered on the east by the San Pedro River. At an elevation of 4,600 feet, Sierra Vista not only boasts magnificent mountain views, but also a temperate year-round climate with abundant sunshine.
The history of Sierra Vista began with the establishment of Fort Huachuca in 1877. In 1956, this community was incorporated as Sierra Vista. Fort Huachuca was annexed by the city in 1971.
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