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Bull Shoals

Bull Shoals is located in Marion County west of Mountain Home between Oakland and Flippin along Hwy 178, situated near the White River and Missouri boarder.

Primarily a retirement and vacation center, Bull Shoals is bordered in three directions by a clear, deep, manmade lake of the same name, Bull Shoals Lake, as well as dam.

The town of Bull Shoals, as we know it today, was built-up by real estate developers C.S. Woods and C.S. Woods Jr. a little over 50 years ago, with the city being officially established in 1954.

Arkansas' popular camping and fishing state park in north central Arkansas near Lakeview has a new name. Bull Shoals-White River State Parkis now officially named Bull Shoals-White River State Park, offering some of the finest fishing and boating combinations you can find.

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