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Crested Butte, Colorado, Hotel

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Crested Butte was originally a mining camp, which attracted the likes of Billy the Kid and Butch Cassidy. Today, the community draws skiers and bikers from all over the world.

Crested Butte's downtown is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Elk Mountain Lodge, dating from 1881, and the Old Town Hall and Union Congregational Church, both built in 1883, are reminders of the town's origin as a coal-mining camp.

At the north edge of town, the resort community of Mount Crested Butte has become the center of recreation in Gunnison National Forest. A walking tour map of the town's historical attractions is available from the Chamber of Commerce.

Crested Butte is north of Gunnison on Hwy 135.

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Top search results for "hotel crested butte colorado"

Worcester Massachusetts Hotel
Box 939 | Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 Reservations Only 800.542.7669  |  Tel 970.349.5542  |  Fax 970.349.6487 Email  | ...

Luxury Hotel| Crested Butte Club
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Condos in Crested Butte at the Ski History Inn
Sled Room with Queen Bed and deck with views. Make a reservation or check availability Home         Rooms and Rates       Interior Images       Location       Contact Us     Hooge Haus / Ski ...