Arlington Heights, Illinois, Restaurant
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Arlington Heights is located in northeastern Illinois in Cook County northwest of Chicago and about 15 miles west of Lake Michigan.
The city is best known as the home of Arlington Park, the world famous horse racing track which began operations in 1927. Feature races include the Breeders' Cup and the Arlington Million. The racetrack is said by many to be one of the finest such facilities in the world.
The city of Arlington Heights has grown by leaps and bounds since the first settler came to the area in 1845. Sample population figures show 1,400 residents in 1900; 5,000 in 1930; 28,000 in 1960 and surpassing 75,000 in 1990.
Originally known as Dunton, the city changed its name in 1874. The town's past has endured significant hardship that includes the 144" of snowfall in 1979 and the fire that destroyed the original racetrack in 1985.
Area recreation includes outings to the Nickol Knoll Golf Club and Arlington Lakes Golf Club.
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