Fairview Heights, Illinois, Restaurant
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Fairview Heights is located in southwestern Illinois in St. Clair County just east of St Louis along Interstate 64 near the Mississippi River and Horseshoe Lake--Madison County.
Each year, more than 40,000 people visit Fairview Heights for the "Midwest Salute to the Masters Festival of Fine Art," one of the 100 leading art fairs in the country. Works by 100 artists, selected by jury from thousands of entries, are exhibited for viewing and purchase, including paintings, sculpture, photographs, pottery and jewelry.
Only 25 years old, Fairview Heights is the fastest growing retail community in southwestern Illinois. The city claims more than 60 restaurants and 350 retail stores, along with with hotels and nightclubs. In addition, Stonewolf Golf Club offers 18 holes of relaxing outdoor activity.
The population estimate for July 1, 1998 was 14,795, an increase of 27 since 1990.
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