Glen Ellyn, Illinois, Restaurant
Welcome to the Bonosearch page for Restaurant in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, Restaurant, Illinois
Glen Ellyn, first established in 1833, is located in northeastern Illinois in DuPage County about 25 miles west of Chicago and east of Aurora near the intersection of Interstate 88 and Interstate 355. The population estimate for July 1, 1998 was 25,956, an increase of 1,037 since 1990.
In addition to being the host city of College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn has a variety of nearby educational opportunities. These include Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, Benedictine University in Lisle, North Central College in Naperville and Wheaton College in Wheaton, among others.
One intriguing attraction is the Willowbrook Wildlife Center, a rehabilitation facility for over 90 species of wildlife indigenous to the area.
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