Schaumburg, Illinois, Restaurant
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Schaumburg Township was established in 1850, Schaumburg itself was not incorporated until 1956, is located in northeastern Illinois in Cook County just west of Chicago along Highway 72. The population estimate for July 1, 1998 was 74,481, an increase of 5,895 since 1990.
Attractions include the Spring Valley Nature Sanctuary and Medieval Times, complete with a jousting tournament and an 11th century-style banquet.
One of the larger events of the year, "Septemberfest", is held during Labor Day weekend. The "Taste of Schaumburg", featuring more than 20 food vendors, is always an integral part of the festivities. A parade and big-name entertainment are part of the package, as well.
For those seeking higher education, Schaumburg is the host city of the Lake Forest Graduate School of Managemen.
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