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Southwest Region, Kansas, School

There is a reason that the Southwest Region of Kansas is also known as "Wild West Country." The land is a vast expanse of wide open spaces -- prairies and wheat fields -- where cattle rustlers and buffalo hunters once wreaked havoc in such places as Dodge City. Regional historic players of note included Bat Masterson, Doc Holiday, Wyatt Earp and the Dalton Gang (who once hid out in the town of Meade.)

Bonosearch allows you to get precise results when you only want to consider a certain kind of Web site in a specific location: city, region, or state. For example, with a regular search engine, if you wanted to find "university" as a feature for "School" in Southwest Region and Kansas, you would type into the search box something like:

university school southwest region kansas

...and the search engine would look for all four keywords. With Bonosearch, you decide in advance what location you want and what category. The Bonosearch staff has identified hundreds of thousands of URLs belonging to real people, places, businesses, and organizations and identified the location and best category for each, so when you use Bonosearch, you only enter the keyword. Spurious results are mostly avoided.

Top search results for "school southwest region kansas"

School Maestro Login Instructions
... INFORMATION REGARDING SCHOOL MAESTRO PASSWORDS Every fall, the School Maestro passwords are changed for students. This is a security feature to ensure your personal grade information is not ...

Welcome to Southwest Kansas Technical School
... Calendar I want to welcome you to Southwest Kansas Technical School on behalf of the faculty, staff, and administration. We hope that your stay at SWKTS will equip you with the tools for a ...

SCCC - Current Students - Disability Services
... IEP documents; Students diagnosed after completion of high school must submit a recent psycho-educational evaluation performed by a licensed psychologist. Information obtained is confidential ...