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Salina, Kansas, School

Welcome to the Bonosearch page for School in Salina, Kansas, School, Kansas

Founded: 1859, Pop: (2000) 53,597, Elev: 1225 feet. Salina is the Saline County Seat. Located at the I-70 and I-135 junction on the banks of the Smoky Hill River and near Kanopolis State Park & Reservoir.

Salina is a rapidly growing city in the nation's heartland blending rural heritage and hospitality with urban America, making Salina an excellent place to live, study, work, and visit.

Bonosearch allows you to get precise results when you only want to consider a certain kind of Web site in a specific location: city, region, or state. For example, with a regular search engine, if you wanted to find "preparatory" as a feature for "School" in Salina and Kansas, you would type into the search box something like:

preparatory school salina kansas

...and the search engine would look for all four keywords. With Bonosearch, you decide in advance what location you want and what category. The Bonosearch staff has identified hundreds of thousands of URLs belonging to real people, places, businesses, and organizations and identified the location and best category for each, so when you use Bonosearch, you only enter the keyword. Spurious results are mostly avoided.

Top search results for "school salina kansas"

Kansas Wesleyan University Weather Station :: Tornado Report
... Wesleyan University Southeast of Saline Minneapolis Grade School Other Links: Tornado Information StormTracker Seismology Marian Gulf of CA Parkfield CA Nicaragua   Kansas Wesleyan University ...

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