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Boyne Falls, Michigan, Hotel

Welcome to the Bonosearch page for Hotel in Boyne Falls, Michigan, Hotel, Michigan

Boyne Falls is in Charlevoix County, and in the Northern Region.

Boyne Falls is located at the junction of US Hwy 131 and Hwy 75, southeast of Boyne City

The small village of Boyne Falls was pioneered as a stop on the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad in 1874. Incorporated as a village in 1893, the village is named for the falls on the nearby Boyne River.

Today, Boyne Falls is still surrounded by a rolling countryside, but now making the home for a beautiful large ski resort, and recreation complex area.

Accommodations in Boyne Falls include Boyne Mountain Usa Resorts, Boyne Vue Motel, Brown Trout Motel and The Mountainside Inn & Recreational Rentals. Click for more details, including other accommodations in the area, as well as online reservations.

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Brown Trout Motel - A Boyne Falls Michigan Motel
... owned and operated Northern Michigan Motel, Located in Boyne Falls. We are proud to say we have the most relaxing and comfortable 14 unit motel in Northern Michigan and the only Motel in Boyne ...

Boyne Vue Motel, Boyne Falls, Northern Michigan, Skiing, Snowmobiling
      Welcome to the Boyne Vue Motel We have 11 rooms, 2 of which are full size kitchens and 1 full size house that sleeps 8. Our rooms are very clean and all have color cable tv with remote ...