Manistee, Michigan, Shopping
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Manistee is in Manistee County, and in the Northern Region. You can find this community located southwest of Traverse City between Onekama and Ludington along US Highway 31 on the banks of the Manistee River near Manistee Lake.
Manistee was originally settled in 1841 when Adam Stronach and John Joseph built a sawmill there. This area steadily grew and was incorporated into a city in 1859. In 1871, a fire leveled out the town, but the citizens were quick to rebuild it. In 1881, Charles Rietz reinvested in the area after he successfully drilled for salt.
Today, Manistees economy continues to grow, with the main staple of income being tourism. The surrounding township is also a favorite retirement area with a quality real estate market.
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