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Pentwater, Michigan, Hotel

Welcome to the Bonosearch page for Hotel in Pentwater, Michigan, Hotel, Michigan

Pentwater is in Oceana County, and in the West-Southwest Region.

The population estimate for July 1, 1998 was 1,082, an increase of 32 since 1990.

This community is located off of US 31 at the mouth of the Pentwater River along the channel at Lake Michigan.

Pentwater is a popular destination of the Great Lakes, situated along a pristine, white sandy shoreline, with resorts, stores, shops, inns, bed-n-breakfasts and restaurants which reflect a balance of past and present. Summer-time in Pentwater comes alive as boats and recreational vessels show up to enjoy the sun, water, food and festivities the town offers.

Accommodations in Pentwater include Historic Nickerson Inn. Click for more details, including other accommodations in the area, as well as online reservations.

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Top search results for "hotel pentwater michigan"

Downtow Denver - CO Hotels - lodging - accommoadations
Mears MI bed and breakfast    Hexagon House Bed & Breakfast 760 Sixth Street PO Box 778 Pentwater, MI 49449 Telephone: (231) 869-4102 Fax: (231) 869-9941 E-mail: ...

The Pentwater Abbey Bed & Breakfast - Pentwater, Michigan - / Introduction
... in the delightful village of Pentwater just 2 blocks from Lake Michigan! Our 17th year. Contact Info | Email this page to a Friend | Click to see a map | Visit our Web Site   Introduction The ...

Candlwyck House Bed and Breakfast Pentwater Michigan
... We are located in the historic lakefront village of Pentwater between Ludington and Muskegon in western Michigan. Built in 1868, The Candlewyck House reflects the charm and warmth of a bygone ...