Jefferson City, Missouri, Church
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Jefferson City, Missouri's State Capital, is located in Cole County and it is the county seat. It lies 32 miles south of Columbia along Highway 5, on the banks of the Missouri River. The city also is near the Missouri University Wildlife Management Area and Mark Twain National Forest.
The Lewis & Clark expedition party sailed past the future site of the city in 1804. In 1822, the site of Jefferson City was selected as the State Capital because of its favorable position along the river. Built of limestone and completed in 1917, the Capitol is an imposing city feature.
Jefferson City, population 35,481, lists its top three employers as State government, Scholastic, Inc. and St. Mary's Health Center.
Landmarks include the Capitol dome, about 260 feet high; the KATY trail, along which hikers can see ancient Indian pictographs; and the 19th century Jefferson Landing, where steamboats brought primarily German immigrants to settle the city and surrounding area.
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