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Dayton, Ohio, Church

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Dayton is located in southwestern Ohio in Montgomery County about 40 miles north-norteast of Cincinnati and is the county seat.

Settlers from Cincinnati established the village of Dayton in 1796. It was incorporated in 1805 and named for Jonathan Dayton, the youngest signer of the U.S. Constitution, who owned land here. It received its charter in 1841.

Dayton is the home of the Wright brothers, developers of the first functioning airplane. As a result, the city is famed worldwide as the "Home of Aviation". Attractions include the USAF Museum, the National Aviation Hall of Fame and Carillon Park, where the original 1905 Wright Flyer III can be seen among thousands of other artifacts.

The city is the home of the University of Dayton, Wright State University and the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra.

For those that enjoy the outdoor experience, Sycamore State Park is just 10 miles west of town, carsarsp and Caesar Creek Lake are about 10 miles to the southeast and John Bryan State Park is about 15 miles east of town.

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