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Xenia, Ohio, Real Estate

Welcome to the Bonosearch page for Real Estate in Xenia, Ohio, Real Estate, Ohio

Xenia is located in southwesten Ohio in Greene County (of which it is the county seat) 10 miles southeast of Dayton on the banks of the East Miami River. The population estimate for July 1, 1998 was 24,994, an increase of 158 since 1990.

The city derives its name from the Greek word for hospitality. It was founded in 1803, the year Ohio was admitted into the Union.

Xenia was struck by a tornado in 1974. It killed 33, destroyed almost half of the city's buildings and made 10,000 homeless. Nine schools, nine churches and 180 businesses were destoyed.

WGC Golf Course awaits the avid golfer. It is a public 18-hole layout that was first open for play in the 1920s as a 9-hole country club. It added a second nine in 1982.

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Top search results for "real estate xenia ohio"

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... of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, The Voice for Real Estate® -- the world's largest professional association. The term REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark that ...